As promised, I am holding another giveaway. When I cleaned up my work station I realized I had a lot little items and small product samples.. and since I have no use of them anymore, why not share the love to my readers.
Simply comment a new born care that you know.. like exposing the baby to sun for a period of time.. and leave your FB profile URL. Don’t forget to add me as a friend (click to add) so I can contact you.
I will pick one winner and will send the prizes above. Winners will be chosen using old school drawing of entries. This is open to all as long as you have a Philippine address where I can ship the prize.
OH WAIT! get more chances of winning by (one entry each):
- Follow me on twitter and tweet @pehpot just joined New Baby Giveaway
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Please comment your tweet url and your fb post url or your email address used to subscribe for additional entries.
The winner will receive the prizes in the photo above.
This contest is until July 7 and winners will be announced on July 9.
Newborn tip: feed your baby on demand :)twitter:!/phbakehouse/status/85545134275567616I subscribed and am already a fan on FB 🙂
for a newborn baby always care for the umbilical stump, make sure it is always dry and free from any moisture. FB profile url : added you also on fb:) FB share: :!/magz_dc/status/85550099278729217
check baby's temperature before every bath using a thermometer.tweeted:!/xianlei28/status/85552239413968896fb post: : xianlei28 at gmail dot com
Newborn baby tip: Always check if the temperature of baby's bath water is just right for his sensitive skin, you can do this by dipping your wrist in the water because your wrist is more sensitive to temperature. (I thought it should be your elbow but reading online proved dipping your wrist is much more effective and accurate)Tweeted:!/smytabora/status/85557803737034752posted on FB:! sm_yboa at yahoo dot com
Newborn tip: If your baby is routinely falling asleep at the beginning of feedings he may not be getting enough milk. Wake him for feeding if he sleeps longer than 4 to 5 hrs at one time. In the first weeks, make sure he gets a minimum of 8 feedings in a 24-hr period. Feed your baby near the end of his wakeful period, while he's still alert.tweet url:!/michelleame/status/85613193648553984fb post url: michelle_ej08[at]yahoo[dot]com
Newborn tips:Use baby wipes or a wet, warm washcloth to wipe your baby's bottom from front to back if there's been a bowel movement.FB profile: shared:!/rose_villamorasubscribed!!
"Bathing is a good way to keep your newborn clean, but for the first week or so you may find it easier to do topping and tailing, which is something like a sponge bath. Topping and tailing means washing your baby from head to toe with a warm, damp sponge or small towel and pieces of moistened cotton wool."FB profile URL: you on twitter as @Mhoie1325 and tweeted:!/mhoie1325/status/85632054271807488Liked your Facebook Page as Dolphee N Elinor Semira and posted on my wall:!/dolpheenelinor.semira/posts/110494805712129Subscribed & activated my subscription to your feed.Email: elinorsemira0124@gmail.comMore followers & giveaways to come! Best of luck to everyone! ^_^
Let them burp every after meal (milk). RT:!/pibyangpibyang/status/85655468780957696FB: pibyang(at)yahoo(dot)com
New born babies must continue listening to music to be able to stimulate their brains.RT:!/sethjill/status/85687655412678656FB: & Confirmed: seth_blogs(at)yahoo{dot}com*A follower already on Twitter and Make or Break FB Page
Baby's nail grow quickly and should be trimmed at least once a week, thus to avoid them have scratches on the face. Hold a baby's finger securely and round the baby's nail as you trim them. The best time to do this is while the baby is sleeping.FB fan: Gigi Celemin-BelenoFB link: follower: @mommygiayRT:!/mommygiay/status/85710366591553536Subscribed via feeder: giay0422(at)yahoo(dot)comThanks!
If you use baby oil or lotions after your baby's bath, you might find that it's cold coming right out of the bottle. You can warm the oil or lotion by holding it for a few moments in your hands or by rubbing your hands together with the lotion or oil before you apply it to his skin. FB POST:!/slither1004/status/85871101216948224SUBSCRIBED: slither_keen1004(at)yahoo(dot)comFollowed Make or Break. Added as a friend!
newborn tips: Let the Child BURP every after you feed him/her. He/She needs to burp in order to avoid him/her vomiting.FB profile URL: Follower : @zoan721Tweet:!/zoan721/status/85883515715067904Liked your FB page: Zoan GonzalesFB shout out: (wait for it, I cant tag you yet, will be back later)Subscribed to your feed: jongskie721(@)gmail(dot)comcommented on your blogging today post using (zowanderer)
To prevent diaper rash: Change your baby's diaper frequently, and as soon as possible after bowel movements.Twitter:!/growrichpinay/status/85891406291419136Facebook: p_vhanvhan(at)yahoo(dot)comAlso commented on Levitating.Thanks!
Newborn tip: When giving the newborn a bath, it should proceed from the cleanest to the most soiled areas of the body, that is, from the eyes and face to the trunk and extremities and last to the diaper area.twitter follower: @pinxlabadosubscribed here: hazel_labado(at)yahoo(dot)comFB profile:
Babies tend to swallow air during feeding, causing them to spit up or become fussy if they’re not burped frequently. Try these three common burping methods.1. Using one arm, hold your baby upright against your shoulder. Gently pat his back with your other hand.2. Sit the baby upright on your lap, support his chest and head and pat his back.3.Lay the baby on your lap face down, and gently pat your hand on his back.Fb URL: URL:!/iamLeizle4ever/status/85923512908394496Subscribed:
This is just in time! my baby will see the world in a few months from now (",) here's my tip: Learning to recognize the signs of hunger will help you start your baby's feedings before the crying stage. Some signs to watch for in newborns: fussing, smacking of lips, rooting (a newborn reflex that causes babies to turn their head toward your hand when you stroke their cheek), and putting their hands to their mouth.TWITTER LINK:!/mikolet21/status/85936517977092096FB LINK: here: cathydacio(@)gmail(dot)com
Feed home-made baby food instead of commercialized onestwitter follower: @crumpyblogsubscribed here: crumpyliciousblog(at)gmail(dot)comFB profile:
For newborn baby, it is good to talk to your baby often, but by touching him/her, giving massage to his small body, it is just like communicating him and you will have a good attachment with each other, he will more familiarize to you having a special bond to each other.twitter follower: @johndenise22subscribed: profile:
Newborn Tip:To help your newborn baby sort out day and night sleeping even more, you may want to develop a play routine after she eats during the day. Keep her awake 30 minutes after feeding by playing, singing, bathing, etc. Again, the light stimulating her eyes will help her sort out that daylight is for being awake at least a little bit. Many people recommend the eat-play-sleep routine for newborns.Fb URL: and Shared FB:!/itsRhezaFollower and tweet:!/itsRheza/status/85958917330448384Subscribed here:
for new born, use "bigkis" to cover their umbilical.. especially for baby girls, it is also a way to curve the shape of their body.. para pag laki sexy.. my mom used bigkis until i was 2 yrs. old.. my yaya told me that, and im happy with the result! Josephine Gregoriotwitter follower: jezzie_97subscribed: jezzie_97@yahoo.comFB post:
I am a newly mom just last year.. well, base on my experience, since baby needs to sleep at least 16 or more hours a day, it would be better if us, moms should go with his nap too. most especially if when he is totally dependent with you. and everytime his awake it's nice to talk with him.. because everyday there's development happening to them.. :)fb: you in fb already.following you in twitter: @kenge19tweeeted:!/kenge19/status/85964783056203777shared in fb unfortunately cant tag you.. 🙁 : here: momee geesubscribed in your feeds:
take a nap when the baby takes a nap. you'll need every ounce of strength you have :D wall post:!/WAHMaholic/status/85987189833465856subscribed using email
Give your baby a massage every morning, like "bicycling" your baby’s legs in a pedaling motion and gently massaging her tummy with baby oil. This also prevent from baby constipation.Tweeted:!/cristinavs0802/status/85993510850920448Shared on FB:
finally, na TAG din. here it is :
Use breast milk. It is indeed best for babies :)FB: post:!/quiam/status/86039724472541184FB post: email
Newborn tip:Always make sure to burp the baby after every feeding.Following you on twitter as bercheroja and tweeted the giveaway here:!/bercheroja/status/86106170447761408Liked your fb account and shared itmon my wall: already at rachelannedelrosario10@gmail.comFB username: Chel Legaspi Del Rosario
I always make sure that i clean my baby's ear because it's the one who get's dirty always. added you in tweeter and tweeted this:!/melandriaromero/status/86106990526480384shared in facebook – – melandriaromero @ gmail(dot)comthanks.
Newborn Tip: Burp your baby in between and after feeding. You got to learn techniques for your baby, what might work for others may not work for you. And what may work for you now, might not work in the future. So, have a bucket full of PATIENCE, it can be very frustrating at times, but it will be worth it. My baby girl burps so well now! :)tweeted:!/luvndprizeoflyf/status/86115532629213186FB wall post:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=185259138196617&id=1145235828Subscribed: lovintheprizeoflife(at)gmail(dot)com
Newborn tip:Do not use baby powder because they can cause breathing problems. Some baby powder especially talc, contains small particles like zinc stearate or magnesium silicates. It causes pneumonia for one. If you want to use baby powder on your face, pls do not do it near the baby. He/she might inhale it for the same reason.Fb url:!/opalizer72/posts/249352581744741Tweet url: subscription:lisaquidlat at yahoo dot com.
For a new born baby exposure to morning sunlight makes your baby healthy Email add:honie_252004@yahoo.comfollow you on twitter also…subscribed and already a fan on your FB thank you
Based on our family tradition, during Tuesday and Friday, newborn babies should not take a bath nor cut their nails these days, because they are more prone to sickness :)Come to think of it, maling akala pero pinapaniwalaan pa din ng ilan kagaya ko kasi wala naman masama kung papaniwalaan mo.. ehe! :)FB Profile URL: URL:!/akiakat15/status/86796576877584384FB Post URL:
Newborn tip: SPONGE BATH newborn babies and TUB BATHS only IF the umbilical cord has fallen off. Always check baby's temperature before doing baby baths.Like Make or Break @FB / FB profile: & tweeted:!/queenraniaclareSubscribe using: riz2home@yahoo.comCool giveaway, kabayan:)
Newborn tip: We put oil at the back and chest of newborn before bathtime.FB profile:!/profile.php?id=1398836532FB post:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=117464601678856&id=1398836532Twitter post:!/renaeh28/status/87964862461919232Subscriber as always 🙂 r_mviloria(at)yahoo(dot)com
Always give your newborn a gentle massage and talking to him/her while doing it makes a special connection between you and your baby, and according to studies, massage helps a lot to make a baby grow.shared: url:!/Johndenise22/status/88025825148010496MYLENE M.
Newborn baby tip: To help mimic the feeling of the womb, it helps to swaddle your newborn baby. This basically means to wrap him up in a blanket like a little burrito. shared:
Newborn old school tip: Don't let new born baby go to far places like provinces if the baby is not yet baptize.shared:!/crystahal/status/88140912772915200Crystal
joining :)My newborn tip would be:Never play with the baby too much after feeding as this can cause him or her to vomit. Always burp the baby after feeding time.If your baby doesn't burp after a few minutes, change the baby’s position and try burping for another few minutes.And Try to keep baby in an upright position for 10-15 minutes after feeding.liked your fanpage..shared it to my 2,797 friends but cant tag @make or Break fanpage (my setting is everyone but dunno why cant tag 🙁!/MariaRenelyn/status/88129354583900160Maria Renelyn
Breastfeed 8 to 12 times a day.If formula feeding, give her two to three ounces of baby formula every two to four hours, working up to five to six ounces of formula by the time she is one to two months old.Do not supplement with extra water, juice, or baby food until she is at least four to six months old.Check that she has six or more wet soaking diapers and three to four loose yellow stools each day by the time she is five to seven days old (signs that she is getting enough to eat).Burp after each feeding to prevent gas and fussiness.Follow me on twitter and tweet @pehpot just joined New Baby Giveaway my Facebook Page and post on your wall: @Make or Break just joined New Baby Giveaway
To prevent diaper rash, apply petroleum jelly on baby's diaper area before putting on his/her diaper.
Newborn baby tip: Babies usually have cradle cap, those thick yellowish patches of flaky skin on the scalp. To remove this, just very gently rub a cotton ball dipped in baby oil, do not scratch to avoid damaging baby's scalp.shared on fb: on twitter:!/cristinescorner/status/88178747374714880Marianne Cristine G. Torressubscribed as:!/jingkring/status/88239903120437248merryjane ocolmerryjaneocol@yahoo.comAt first you should just give your baby sponge baths. After his umbilical cord falls off, you can begin to bathe your baby in a small basin filled with two inches of warm water. Make sure that you support the baby's head during baths and never leave him unattended near water.You will only need to bathe your baby two to three time each week during the first year.
FB Post!/drickiez/status/88453992631373824Subscribe using: drickiez@yahoo.comFollowed your blog using: henrythartartzNewborn Tip:Newborn fingernails and toenails are usually soft and flexible, but can cause injuries to the infant. Newborn infants do not yet have control of their arm, hand, finger, leg, or foot movements, and may inadvertently claw at their face.Nails that are ragged or extend beyond the tip of the finger can cause scratches to the face and eyes.
Burping isn't mandatory. But if your baby cries after a feeding, a good burp may be all he needs.Babies swallow air when they breastfeed or suck from a bottle, and if the air isn't released it may cause some discomfort. Some babies are intensely bothered by having air in their tummy, while others don't seem to burp or need to be burped much at all.1.!/purpledewberry2.tweeted :!/purplellewellyn3. A fan on FB and posted this contest4. Subscribed to your feedHAZEL CASINOhazel_casino@yahoo.comThank you very much!
newborn baby tip: exposed baby to sunlight for atleast 15 to 30 minutes everyday between 7-8am.FB Post: @mitchoy0205Already subscribed to your feedMICHELLE NIBALVOSmitchoy0205@yahoo.comThank you very much!
Fb Post:!/bhebhe_lacson/status/88782030120304640Subcribed & followed your blog using:bhebhe_lacson@yahoo.comNeborn Tips in Gum & Teeth – Clean with warm clean cloth and use soft tooth brush for teeth. Avoid sweet things as they destroy baby's teeth SO FAST!! We might think we are doing it out of love to give them some great tasting syrups, candy desserts etc.. But really keep them off sweet – this will save their baby teeth for a few years and they will enjoy their food w/out pain.
Care for your Baby Son's Penis:For babies, it's best to avoid bubble baths, as they can be drying and irritating to penile tissue. And when bathing your son, it isn't necessary to retract his foreskin. Actually, you won't be able to for several months or even years — it takes that long for the foreskin to separate from the penis. Even when the foreskin has separated and can be retracted safely, the best advice is simply to leave it alone. You may do more harm than good by interfering with its self-cleaning mechanism. Care for your Baby Daughter's Vaginal Area:With a moist cloth, wipe the area from front to back. This avoids avoid transferring any bacteria from her anus to her vagina. You may notice that her genitals are swollen and red, or that she has a clear, white, or slightly bloody discharge — these are all normal in the first few weeks and result from exposure to maternal hormones during pregnancy. If these symptoms persist after the first six weeks, though, mention them to the doctor at your baby's next check-up. FB url: url:!/ email used to subscribe to your feedThanks!
Care for your Baby Son's Penis:For babies, it's best to avoid bubble baths, as they can be drying and irritating to penile tissue. And when bathing your son, it isn't necessary to retract his foreskin. Actually, you won't be able to for several months or even years — it takes that long for the foreskin to separate from the penis. Even when the foreskin has separated and can be retracted safely, the best advice is simply to leave it alone. You may do more harm than good by interfering with its self-cleaning mechanism.Care for your Baby Daughter's Vaginal Area:With a moist cloth, wipe the area from front to back. This avoids avoid transferring any bacteria from her anus to her vagina. You may notice that her genitals are swollen and red, or that she has a clear, white, or slightly bloody discharge — these are all normal in the first few weeks and result from exposure to maternal hormones during pregnancy. If these symptoms persist after the first six weeks, though, mention them to the doctor at your baby's next check-up.FB url: url:!/ email used to subscribe to your feedThanks!
my baby tip would be: always use a diaper rash cream after every diaper change.. and i put on a baby powder on my baby's bottom after.. to prevent rashes..!/
The proper way of bathing your newborn. Newborn babies need not be bathed on a daily basis. Bathing them two to three times a week is enough. Bathe your baby using sponge baths. This is imperative at first. Tub bathing your baby can only be done once the baby’s umbilical cord falls off to avoid infection.Twitter url:!/fabebosoFacebook url: using:
my baby care tip is lotion your baby up at least once a day!!! u can also use baby oil for cradle cap!!!
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